Get your free Marriage Action Plan!
All you need is love!
/"All you need is love!", by The Beatles./
eHarmony marriage for married couples. Marriage counseling.

Pre marital. eHarmony Marriage gives engaged couples the necessary tools to build a lasting marriage and avoid the challenges all newlyweds face. Marriage wellness. Even the best marriages can benefit from a "tune up". eHarmony Marriage guides step by step toward a deeper, more fulfilling life together. Issues and challenges. Every couple knows marriage can be hard. eHarmony Marriage helps eliminate the pain and frustration by targeting your marriage's specific issues. Get your free Marriage Action Plan!
eHarmony Marriage is an interactive, self-directed, online alternative to Marriage Counseling.
The program is designed for couples that are interested in building and maintaining a happy marriage. Underscoring its commitment to building happy and lasting marital relationships, this new service helps marriages flourish by empowering couples with the advice, knowledge, and tools to build a deepened sense of understanding, appreciation and connectedness.
eHarmony Marriage is a interactive program around the idea of "Marriage Wellness" - every marriage needs a small amount of ongoing care to thrive and grow.

The online program is based upon the practical insights that Dr. Neil Clark Warren, founder of eHarmony, developed while providing advice to thousands of couples over the course of his 35 year career as a marriage counselor and clinical psychologist.
Dr. Warren's research in to what makes marriages succeed is the basis of eHarmony's enormous success in matching singles.
Marriage Wellness begins with the idea that relationships need attention. Whether your relationship is healthy or experiencing a few bumps it can get better with a little consistent, focused attention. eHarmony Marriage will give you the tools to make that happen." - Dr. Neil Clark Warren.
Now, the same knowledge is available to married couples via this new approach to help them strengthen and enrich their most important relationships.
It generally takes 45 minutes to complete the marriage questionnaire.
Couples considering Christian marriage counseling or Jewish Marriage Counseling will find that our content is agnostic in that it helps address common marriage problems regardless of race or religion.
This program does not include individual marriage therapy or marriage counseling.
It is an online marriage counseling alternative that consists of self-selected tools and exercises and you are urged to seek the services of a licensed professional to address particular situations or needs. In particular, you are encouraged to consult a marriage counselor or therapist if you or your spouse believe that such services may be beneficial in saving your marriage.

Not at all... Somethat? Very!
Set like you think and feel...
- I view myself as well adjusted.
- I try to understand the other person's position.
- Traditions are very important to our relationship.
- I feel respected by my spouse when we are with friends.
- I catch on th things quickly.
And so on, and on, and on... It takes about 45 minutes...
After completing a comprehensive Marriage Questionnaire, couples receive the eHarmony Marriage Profile, an in-depth, customized report that offers insights and guidance in 10 key areas of marriage such as communication, sex and romance, and roles and responsibilities. The profile provides positive feedback and practical suggestions to help couples create greater joy and appreciation throughout their relationship.
The eHarmony Marriage Profile.
The eHarmony Marriage Profile is a scientifically constructed amd completely personalized look at your marriage. It's a wellspring of information that is vital for practicing Marriage Wellness.
You will get:
- Over 40 pages of detailed information on your relationship.
- Looks at 10 key areas vital to a happy marriage - like dreaming, friendship, sex, romance, and communication.
- Insightful info on each individual and the ways you relate together.
- Practical recommendations you can use immediately.
The exercises consist of a series of interactive, online video exercises developed to help couples put into practice the insights and understanding identified through the eHarmony Marriage Profile. Each of the 12 20-minute video exercises focuses on an important marriage topic and includes marriage help and insights from Dr. Warren, sketches illustrating relationship behaviors, interviews with couples, personalized feedback and easy follow-up activities.
Experience the Inreractive Video Exercises.
After reading the eHarmony Marriage Profile you will have more information and insight into your relationship than you ever imagined, and you'll be ready for the practical strategies found in our Interactive Video Exercises.
Interactive Video Exercises.
- Twelve 20-minute online video exercises.
- Each one focuses on a particular area of marriage like - chemistry, listening, conflict and commitment.
- Entertaining segments featuring couples-in-the-street and sketches.
- Activities and personalized feedback to give you concrete tools.

The program was developed in accord with the most recent theoretical understanding of what comprises successful marriages and all of our testing instruments have been fully psychometrically validated. Backed by Dr. Warren's clinical and theoretical expertise and this rigorous empirical and scientific research, this marriage counseling alternative provides unsurpassed benefits to couples who approach their marriage as their primary relationship requiring ongoing nurturing.
eHarmony Marriage gives engaged couples the necessary tools to build a lasting marriage and avoid the challenges all newlyweds face.
Even the best marriages can benefit from a "tune up" eHarmony Marriage guides you step-by-step toward a deeper, more fulfilling life together.
Every couple knows marriage can be hard. eHarmony Marriage helps eliminate the pain and frustration by targeting your marriage's specific issues.
Get your free Marriage Action Plan.
eHarmony Marriage is a new service for married couples.
I've created eHarmony Marriage to target your marriage's specific issues.
Marriage Wellness is rooted in the idea of small steps. Everyday you're paying attention to a small area of your relationship, in a way that is natural and easy. Over time these small efforts add up to a marriage that is richer and closer that you ever imagined. - Dr. Neil Clark Warren.
Don't miss this opportunity to experience marriage wellness!
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Get your personal roadmap to a stronger marriage!
While everyone knows that marriage is not just about the sex, it is still a vital part of a healthy dynamic. Learn how you can have better sex in your marriage. Tools You Need to Build a Stronger Marriage. How to deal with a cheating spouse, and how you two can repair your marriage. If your spouse is cheating, discover the key questions that will help your marriage recover from this common marriage problem.

Get your personal roadmap to a stronger marriage!
While everyone knows that marriage is not just about the sex, it is still a vital part of a healthy dynamic. Learn how you can have better sex in your marriage. Tools You Need to Build a Stronger Marriage. How to deal with a cheating spouse, and how you two can repair your marriage. If your spouse is cheating, discover the key questions that will help your marriage recover from this common marriage problem.

Fantasic tools...
personalized sort of action plan...
It's made us even closer...
and it's
made our sex life much better.
- Audi and Lillie.
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