Viva to president of USA number 44!

Write to Barack Obama

we hope, we again hope...

Messages to Barack Obama, US President no 44

Obama and Bush
Bye, president of USA number 43... Viva to president of USA number 44! Here what we want from Barack Obama, new US president.
This system does not work, we have two nations with in a nation, one which is rich and have elaborate life styles and the other is the lesser one that’s the working people they pay high tax on all platforms to support the elaborate life of the rich and fight their wars.
What is wrong with this Government the Senate, Congress why do we the people feel that we are being rip-off by every one of you we have elected?
First publication rights © USA2017.INUMO.RU

Dear Mr. Obama! I am very happy you were elected to office.

I appreciate the close relationship with your family.

However, Mr. President I would like to ask a question. My husband is on Medicare no other retirement; I have been disabled for approx 20 years.

We make 20,000 a year.

My husband has been fighting Cancer, I am in first stage of Renal Failure and now they found a large tumor that goes all the way across my throat, and is attached to my thyroid. It is pushing my trachea to the left and makes it hard to swallow.

We have pretty much raised three of our grandchildren which now are home with their mother, and just in time before we collapsed from exhaustion.

I am sure this does not interest you, however I wonder why they are always saying low and middle class that makes 100,000.00 or more. How do they have no money.

When you gave the banks the stimulus and then three weeks later they could not tell you where the money was, look at all the skimming in congress, people putting money in other accounts have personal jets.

We have 1986 Lincoln town car. I am sorry to complain, but we don't know what to do, it is hard to pay the bills, but I pay them except for medical bills, I have to give small amounts to them and they don't like that so over to the collection agency they go. Why can't they just put all together and let us make a payment.

Barack Obama and his pretty wife Michell Obama.
Food is different.

There are times many of them where food has short.

We have made it by kind people like our Minister.

But We don't want to do that either, there are so many in the same situation, that we don't want to take their share.

I work gathering clothes etc for needy, given freely, that is even in the shortage now.

Well, enough now about our problems, I am hoping you can give me an answer.

We get no money from Income Tax etc. either.

Well Thank you for listening,

Janice S Lowe
Pittsville Virginia


Dear mr. President elect Barack Obama!

The United States is the most prominent country in the world but the decisions makers for this gentle nation have been coerced by others who’s first priority is not these United States, especially the lobbyist.

Our government and these special interest groups have bluntly, with out thinking, lead this nation in harms way to war, This has the American public scared, heavily taxed. We also are asked to have our young to spill blood, for a war which is not proven to be for the safety of the United States.

We also have rich liberals that control the government, congress, banks and the media which misquote the truth and only tells us what they want us to hear. In their way they tell us that we our in danger. They say the US must get involved in other countries for your safety. Many people myself included don’t believe then any more.

Especially when you have a nation with 30 millions poor, and the so called middle class is on its way to joining the poor. In addition the working public is heavily tax on their wages, food prices, gas, property tax, transportation, turnpike, doctors, hospitals. It seems the bad economy only applies to the middle class were there paychecks is shrinking every day.

While the economy was headed down for recession most companies complain about giving employees raise, and would tell you be thankful you have a job.

But there was no trouble with Food Stores raising their prices on food and same goes for the Gas Company, hospitals and Madison.

The town officials had no problem raising their property tax!!!!!!!!!! They the town must have their increase, as say they we have bills to pay? They need food for their families.

DON’T WE THE PUBLIC THAT PAYS HIGH TAX HAVE FAMILIES, if we don’t get an increase why should they. If the economy if failing why should the town raise taxes should they not work with the people instead of against?

This system does not work, we have two nations with in a nation, one which is rich and have elaborate life styles and the other is the lesser one that’s the working people they pay high tax on all platforms to support the elaborate life of the rich and fight their wars.

What is wrong with this Government the Senate, Congress why do we the people feel that we are being rip-off by every one of you we have elected?

Please let me know what you think and what the future holds.


We the public feel we are being run by a dictator state where our government says all for me and nothing for you.

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George W. Bush, The President of USA in present and Jeffrey Kelley, The President of USA in future.

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