USA 2017
"Statistics" - History and statistics 20040417. Apr-17-2004.
USA2017 :: History and stats 20040417. Apr-17-2004.
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Apr - 02 - 2004
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What to do and where to go?
USA2017.INUMO.RU :: main page. Somebody think about future. We make future today. Peace, freedom, happiness for everyone in USA and everywhere on the Earth in 2017.
Email to president of USA in 2017 :: don't hesitate to share your info with administrative staff of USA2017. Help us make world around better.
USA 2017. History and statistics. :: There is more truth in False than in Statistics. If you decide to remove false facts from history you will get only blank space as result. Ok. Let me start "History and Statistics of USA2017.INUMO.RU" with these two thoughts.
Finance portal on USA2017 :: Finance. Stock Market Game. Virtual Stock Exchange. Free Stock Market Game. Stock Game. Fantasy Investing. Learn Investing. Learn how to trade stock. Practice investing. Practice trading stock. Account Now vantage debit master card.
Internet portal on USA 2017. :: Internet Basics. Internet Service Providers. The Internet actually consists of five major services: World Wide Web (Web), Electronic Mail (E-mail), Newsgroups (Usenet), Internet Relay Chat (IRC), File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
Art Portal on USA2017. :: Art is the process and/or product of deliberately items in a special way that affects and influences our senses and emotions. It encompasses a diverse range of human creations, activities, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture, and paintings.
Books Store of the USA2017.INUMO.RU. Some books are free! :: The word "book" comes from Russian word "буква" (bukva means "a letter"). The Russian word "букварь" (bukvar) translates as textbook that helps young children read and write. A book is a set of printed and illustrated sheets, made of ink and paper fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet is called a leaf. Each side of a leaf is called a page. A book produced in electronic format is called ebook (e-book or electronic book).
Chess portal on USA2017. :: Chess is the best game over the world. Chess makes your brain work good and your soul feel happy. Chess is taught to children in schools around the world today. Many schools host chess clubs, and there are many scholastic tournaments specifically for children. Tournaments are held regularly in many countries, hosted by organizations such as the United States Chess Federation and the National Scholastic Chess Foundation. I don't think about chess as a sport, for me chess is an art.
Fun and Entertainment :: Fun portal on USA2017. Fun may be encountered in such human activities during play, recreation and even work. Fun may often have from great to little and even to no logical basis, and opinions on whether or not an activity is fun may very differ. Someone likes play chess, another one poker and both get fun during the games.
Games portal on USA 2017 :: Key components of games are rules, goals, challenge, interaction. Every game involve mental or physical stimulation, sometimes both. All games develop practical skills, serve as a form of exercise. Games perform an simulational educational, and psychological role.
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